Real income vs educational level- a problem for higher education - Changing Higher Education

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It seems to me that years ago people could work their way up the ladder of a company and their experience really meant something. Then the economy changes and companies want what they consider "more for their money". They lay off the worker and hire someone with a degree but no practical experience. I believe that the experienced employee should have the opportunity to improrve their education before being laid off and I also feel that a person who has more education should be given a chance. There is a dilemma in this situation and I am not sure the answer?

Web Hosting

Even i don't think the system is flexible, but it should be...Rules.. they are every where..


I think that the diploma is a proof of someone's education, intelligence, etc. But life is so complicated and there are so many cases when an employee without a diploma is more effective than one with a diploma. Unfortunately, the law often creates obstacles for those who didn't have a chance to earn their diploma some time ago but managed to gain enough life experience afterwards. I don't think that our education system is flexible enough to take such situations into account. Also, the employers are tied up by the rules that don't allow them to be flexible either.

Andy Moore
School Teacher

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