Is “excellence” a useful mission for higher education? - Changing Higher Education

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John, sorry for the delay in responding. I think generic excellence is no substitute for an understanding of mission. Most universities are approaching globalization with a pretty generic view of their mission - they are not differentiating themselves. Excellence in different types of missions can look very different - it should not all be about the most expensive faculty, the best prepared students, etc. I think the language of differentiation, with excellence in that differentiation, will win the day.

John Moravec

"Excellence" = "malaise forever!"

All university leaders need to look at how they can leapfrog the competition to provide meaningful experiences for students, revenue for the institution, and development of the university's knowledge and innovation capital.

Lloyd, what language would you like to see universities and university leaders use to survive in a world dominated by globalization, a quest for knowledge/innovation and accelerating change?

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