Interesting activity at the for-profit/non-profit interface: Kaplan - Changing Higher Education

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Charles -Thanks for the comment about Softbank - worth following up on. It will be interesting to follow Laureate and Kaplan to see what they do in Japan.

Charles Jannuzi

Last year it was announced that Laureate was acquiring a controlling amount of shares of INTI University College in SE Asia (mostly Malaysia).


Also, Japan has more private universities than it does national or public (with these latter two types being recently corporatized). But these are organized as non-profit trusts.

Recent legislative and regulatory changes, however, encourage non-profit institutions to move into profitable business activities, while allowing for-profit companies to run universities and colleges. Softbank is the best example of a for-profit company moving into HE in Japan. I wonder if Laureate or Kaplan--or private equity with links to them--has noticed the changes in Japan and taken stakes in Softbank or its educational enterprises?

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