The Bologna Process- a significant step in the modularization of higher education - Changing Higher Education

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seo consultant in india

it was realy useful post for me. i'll come back.


While still experimental, the Bologna Process sounds like it bears attention by American higher learning intstitutions concerned with "internationalizing" their programs. The "modular" approach to evaluating academic credentials and learning competencies may provide consistent measures that allow students to move more freely from European colleges and universities to those in the US and vice versa.

Great article!

Lloyd comments: Thanks Janet. The Lumina Foundation is supporting a very interesting effort to bring some of the aspects of Bologna to the US.

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Thanks for an excellent article! I appreciate your insights and agree with what you wrote.


Really exciting article for which are interested to higher education.The Bologna Process is very effective way for higher education.this post is inspired me for higher education because i am undergraduate student.Thank you for sharing such information.

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Your blog is really excellent. It inspires the readers who has that great desire to lead a better and happier life. Thanks for sharing this information and hope to read more from you.

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The Bologna Process is a very bold experiment that has the potential to change higher education in ways probably not envisaged by its creators.


[...]The Bologna Process is a very bold experiment that has the potential to change higher education in ways probably not envisiged by its creators. [...]

Good catch, Peak. Thanks. Lloyd

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