A missing skill in the globalization of higher education - Changing Higher Education

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Study Abroad China

An international study will measure and compare learning outcomes at universities around the world and could provide the “missing link” for university rankings.I do think many US universities and colleges virtually assure that their study abroad programs lead to little fundamental growth in their students by providing an "encapsulated" US experience in a foreign country.

Lloyd comments: I agree totally with your point about many study abroad programs. They are only barely "foreign".

Catherine is looking for a Nursing doctorate

I think that “higher education does not always get it just right at it moves into a wider global role” is true as more and more students are taking up masters and PhDs in a bid to increase their marketability. However, statistics show that it is not in the case for nursing doctorate as the demand for LPN is lowered with some being retrenched in favor of RN. I think what is more important is that companies should not solely base hiring employees on their level of education, but should also look on the work experiences and skills of a prospective employee.


I always assumed that the purpose of sending a student to a partner university overseas is for them to experience learning in another culture. How can this experience be authentic if the professor is from the US, quite possibly with very little knowledge of and life experience in the host country? If there was a question of whether or not the foreign partner university or department had a questionable teaching reputation, why choose them as a partner?

Lloyd responds: I agree completely with you if we are talking about US study abroad programs. I do think many US universities and colleges virtually assure that their study abroad programs lead to little fundamental growth in their students by providing an "encapsulated" US experience in a foreign country. However, here, we are talking of US universities that are seeking to educate international students in their home countries, not US students. These are students who want the benefit of a US education, but for one reason or another cannot come to the US.


I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.



Lloyd replies: Thanks, Margaret, for the kind words.

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