For-profit higher education moves to fill gaps left by state budget shortfalls - Changing Higher Education

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bilal khan


Bill Davis

Looks like Phoenix "gets it" in terms of bridging the gap between demand and supply for educational services.

For that, I applaud them!


I am a teacher at a for-profit college in California. For what I'm about to write, I won't name the school, but it is a large company and it seems to be growing for many of the reasons listed above. My concern in all of this is one of quality. I understand that schools like the one I teach at do have a role to play. My own sister, after failed attempts to get into a nursing program at a local community college, has had to go to an institution like the one I work for because, though much more expensive, for-profit schools are not as limited space-wise as many of their public counterparts. That said, I believe there's a type of fraud by omission going on at these schools. They are selling the practical aspects of education (the potential for a better job and a better life) but they do not make clear that there are aspects of the educating process that are not only about pay and career. The State of California requires that these students, as part of their education, take GE courses. This is the disconnect, I think. Students are not made aware that English and history and other "non-technical" subjects are part of the college process, and these classes exist for a reason that cannot be explained solely in terms of monetary gain and career advancement. Perhaps my understanding of education is too limited and old-fashioned (though I am not that old myself), but I think that these companies are creating a divide between those people who are taught to value the liberal arts ideal and those who are taught to just get in and get out of school. The latter may do better than they would've done without the degree (though that is debateable) but they will not be able to compete with the student who is more well rounded because of her liberal arts degree. This may have always been the case, but the difference is that students coming out of for-profit institutions are going into debt at almost the same degree as those who attend Harvard.


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