Higher Ed.'s societal obligations in a globalizing economy - Changing Higher Education

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David Phipps

Just came across your post now and it still resonates with an emerging trend towards engaged scholarship and research. In Canada we are seeing research programs embracing not only partnerships with industry (a common form of engagement through technology transfer) but with community organizations, international NGOs and Aboriginal communities. Some universities, like those in the ResearchImpact network (www.researchimpact.ca) are actively investing in institutional support services to broker relationships between researchers, grad students and non-academic research stakeholders. Students are taught clear language writing and design principles ("The ability to effectively communicate orally and in writing ") and we engage students on community-based research projects ("The ability to apply knowledge and skills to real-world settings through internships"). All of this is partnered with local United Way organizations ensuring that the research partnerships supported are matching unmet societal, cultural and environmental needs.

What we are learning is that this active support, that we call knowledge mobilization, is a process that leads to social innovation (the outcome). We are re-imagining the role of the university and of a university education in our local and global communities.

Lloyd responds: Thanks, David for your very informative input on some very forward-looking programs in Canada. Thanks, also, for introducing me to ResearchImpact.


Good communication skill,personality ,and deep knowledge of the subjects have got success.So I agree with you.


Thanks for the great post. I will be sure to share and also will show some of those statistics to my students. I am biased as I teach and research entrepreneurship, but I believe that entrepreneurship courses give students a chance to work on all of those learning outcomes. Working in teams, the research, writing, and presenting of a business plan presents students the opportunity to put all those skills to the test. Thanks again for the post.

Christine Geith

Thanks for your thought-provoking post. You make the case that the "race to the top" should be a "race to demonstratable competence" in the critical outcomes of the AACU.

Where ARE higher education institutions, or others, doing an outstanding job developing and measuring these
competencies? Where are the models?

Lloyd responds: Thanks Christine for your good comment. I do hope to do a post in the near future on some positive examples in looking at outcomes. Of course, the AACU outcome suggestions are so new that no one has looked at them yet. Bologna process is looking at many outcome competencies, and ways to measure them.

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