Big news on the Laureate front - Changing Higher Education

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Love this new feature! love this page.

Mort Dunder


As a student enrolled in one of the Laureate International Universities, I applaud such a bold move in appointing President Clinton as Honorary Chancellor. The President certainly brings his passion for education and social responsibility along with his "brand equity" to Laureate.
Yet, I must consider the reflective "opposing view" to this appointment. As a teacher in higher education, I try my best to inspire but not conspire my students to be politically aware and socially responsible. That said, I wonder about what the "political push back" regarding this type of appointment. I certainly would appreciate any insights regarding this query.

Lloyd replies: Thanks for the thoughtful comment. Laureate is, of course, a global university. Few individuals have the positive name recognition globally that Clinton has - his reputation outside the US seems much less mixed than his reputation at home. As an ex-president of the US, he signifies to this very large global audience that Laureate is a serious, credible institution. So for Laureate's global audience, I think this was a masterstroke. Within the US politics is never far from Bill Clinton, so Laureate may attract some unwanted attention from some domestic sources with this appointment. However, even in the US, this serves to distinguish Laureate from the general run of for-profit higher ed institutions.

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