Global higher education funding and the great recession - Changing Higher Education

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Colleges in Dubai

Nice information!
Generally i think US have a big ground that elates to the fact that 75% of all post-secondary students here attend state-controlled public don't need to worry.

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I find education funding fascinating. When it come to cutting the budget it might be a long term fix to cut costs on education, but the long term effects can be very detrimental. It is very short sighted to think that way, when investing in peoples education can produce so much value. I guess it is just not a sure-bet, so they don't think twice about it.

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Nice information!
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Cutting the budget does not have to be a problem. the main concern for the nation is not the number that gied through higher education but the focus of, and skill level of those who do go on to higher learning. Not all educations add to the bottom line in the long or short run.

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In general I agree, but I don't think the US will lose some ground. Our position is quite strong and I doubt we'll lose it

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“Great Recession” by nations will likely speed up global shifts in the race to develop human capital, with the US probably losing some ground.

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