Wal-Mart brings higher ed to its employees - Changing Higher Education

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Great post! Online schools are a great option to advance your career and it's great that a giant employer like Walmart is offering it's employees the opportunity to continue their education.

Lilly Adams

It is fantastic that Walmart is offering this for people who need to work full time and could use the help with their education. I work full time as a waitress while attending class full time as well. It is so hard being a student because you are always broke with all of your living expenses. I am moving into an apartment with a group of 5 other college girls in January. I am looking for a moving company
that could handle all of us moving the same day. My roommate has suggested http://www.ssmovers.com Have you ever tried using this company before?


Since non-profit colleges and universities are so resistant to outcomes assessment, it is hard to compare them to their for-profit brethren. But since the latter are committed to curricular innovation, outcomes AND PROCESS assessment, and continuous improvement (try selling that to tenured faculty members), I suspect some of the higher-quality for-profits will eventually be nipping at the heels of the more prestigious non-profits.

Lloyd replies: I agree - and I think it likely that the higher quality for-profits probably are already "nipping at the heels" of the roughly 4000 less prestigious non-profits.

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