Are we approaching a mutation in higher education? - Changing Higher Education

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Joshua's Law

This was a really insightful and interesting perspective to read, providing a more clear picture of the change in the value of the education and industry.


Bravo! I too have been thinking along similar lines. I'm currently reading Disruptive Class and have been talking about the coming changes in Higher Education.

I think one thing you can add to Zuboff's list is a blinding assumption that because your business model has worked so far, it will keep working. Most of the businesses listed (music, newspapers) are getting creamed because they can't see outside their box of experience. If I might be so bold, I wrote a blog post about this you might be interested in reading:

I've added your blog to my reader and look forward to future posts!

Lloyd replies: thanks for your good comments. Your "blinding assumption" addition is certainly on target. Thanks also for your blog link - it is very interesting.

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