Limits on the globalization of the American model of higher education? - Changing Higher Education

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Study abroad

Keep up the great writing. I really like reading what you have to say. Thanks.

Volunteer in latin America

Just   wanna  state  that this is very useful , Thanks for taking your time to write this.

Charles C.

From a globalization perspective, Higher education is a wild fire. Especially, as it pertain to adult education and technology. I am excited about where Higher Education: Adult Learning is headed. I just viewed a Podcast about higher education in Brazil. It is amazing how the restructuring or overhauling process of their education system is progressing. E-learning is a somewhat new concept that is infratracting their educational paradigm and it is making waves.

Trident Online University

Another country which has really embraced the "off-shore" U.S campus model is Qatar; they have a lot of prominent off-shore universities there.

There is obviously no such thing as one education system that will fit-all because every country has different business practices and rules and regulations. One way this can be addressed is for teachers to modify their curriculum a bit according to the area they are teaching in.

For example, when in the UAE they can incorporate Islamic mathematics. Of course this would alter the course a bit but perhaps that's what needed.


Exactly to the importance of "glocalization"! Western model or the model from wherever in the world cannot be cloned and transplanted in other places. This applied not only to education, but also health and democracy. The discourse on change and innovation should not only focus on the overwhelming political and economic forces, such as globalization and neoliberalism, but also the contingent yet equally foundational ways in which individuals think, choose, act, and react within these contexts and forces. In other words, what does culture and context mean under globalization?

Lloyd replies: Excellent points.

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