Going Global - Changing Higher Education

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Universities in UAE

Today the main goal is global education,i do the survey about the global education and found that now a days education getting bored.I think it is more interesting if we do some changes.Anyway this blog gives a additional information about globalization.keep it up i will wait for the new ones,and hope your information would helpful for everyone in future.

Colleen Bartlett

I am enrolled in a doctorate course and this semester we have been examining the topic of globalization and higher education. Global education can be a force for social and economic change increasing our awareness for the need of community and active citizenship. It seems to me that instead of just looking at who we can bring to our schools from another country or how we can take our schools to other countries we should be looking at ways to engage international learners with each other in a give and take relationship and partnership because in the end it will be the learners who go out and make the greatest difference, not the institution they were educated in.

Lloyd responds: excellent point, Colleen!


Why has there been such a lack of interest in globalization and lifelong learning among American academic adult educators? Is there research out there that has been done on the subject? Maybe this isn't a major concern among educators since no one is really researching and writing about the subject of globalization.


One of the unfortunate disadvantages I've seen in American not-for-profit institutions of higher education is a relative "slowness" to change and adapt to the larger globalization agenda as described here. I've worked for a private University in New York for the past twenty years and their model has not changed in that time, i.e. internationalizing equals recruiting students from "foreign" countries. What's missing is the ideal of establishing an international civic presence.

Lloyd comments: Thanks Janet. I could not agree more!

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