A bad 4 years for family income, a good 4 years for college prices - Changing Higher Education

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Lisa Ransdell

Thank you for framing some truly critical issues in higher education. It certainly seems to me that accessibility to higher education diminishes every day, and I really feel for the families of college-bound students. Appreciate your insights!


Interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thank you by Mythili

Krista R


I agree that the information is very scary. It seems as if the cost of education continues to rise and government aid is becoming more difficult to obtain. This issue makes me ask: is this problem of rising costs ever going to end?

Mervelle A. Sage

This is informative and scary. The cost of higher education is high enough without fear of it becoming more expensive. I have noticed the rise in financial aid packages that primarily offer loans. Scholarships and Grants are not as readily available anymore. Those that are available encounter so much red tape, paper work, and credentials that it makes it very difficult for many to obtain. It will always be those few students who get their family to help with the paperwork and hoopla that are able to get those scholarships and grants. It is very important to point out that the types of education a parent may hold in households do not necessarily dictate the family’s average income. Sometimes these findings are inconclusive because many of the modern families tend to not include other incomes that they may receive. All in all making adult education affordable is something we must try to strive for.

Krista R

Very interesting post. This is something that I had noticed, but enjoyed seeing it demonstrated the way you have it here. Thank you!


Interesting post, I am so glad that I have visited your site. Really useful information!

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