Cost and price in higher education, again - Changing Higher Education

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he flip side is the tenured professors that do bring in millions in grants and have the authority to keep every penny that they hold onto for dear life.

Education and Career Forum

The cost of higher education also depends on the universities and courses. You have very properly elaborated higher education issues in this post.

Kim N.

Quite an interesting piece. It is disturbing to see that higher education continues to be on an incline as America's economy continues to plummet. It is sad to see that higher education is just another business that seeks to make money not future leaders.

Gina W

I agree with Lloyd. I am a non-tenured professor at a large inner city research institution. The tenured professors that bring in grant money are lured with higher salaries and lower teaching loads. The dollars certainly do not filter down to my salary. It is a wonder the nursing colleges are turning away students due to insufficient faculty.

Jezreel Ricafort

It is directly proportional, if you want high education, then the price of schooling should be higher to, let say for example if the professor is very experience and intelligent, if you hire them, then you need to pay them high.

Grant Hughes

Lloyd, what you say is dead on. The flip side is the tenured professors that do bring in millions in grants and have the authority to keep every penny that they hold onto for dear life. They then make the school pay for new labs out of general expenses and new labs are seriously expensive.

The problem then becomes the school using the much needed state monies granted to them for the benefit of the tenured professor and his hand picked small group of students because the school is afraid to lose the professor to another institution.

And then there are the athletic departments that squeeze university funds even though they bring in millions from alumni.

Education is getting harder to come by in state universities when the sole goal anymore is making money and it's usually the students who pay, and unfortunately part of that payment is lesser education

Grant Hughes

A major problem that I have seen first hand at the University of Maryland is the expense of keeping tenured professors.

Not all professors mind you but the professors that bring in substantial grant monies. The colleges do whatever it takes to make these professors happy including building new labs, offices and in some cases buildings.

In most cases the grant money coming in is in the millions but it stays with that particular professor and doesn't filter out of the dept. For the schools this is prestige and they hope that this prestige brings in more students but the outlay they make is generally much higher than the return.

Lloyd comments: and, in addition, the professor's research funding essentially never is sufficient to cover the real cost of the research - which then must come out of some other cash flow in direct competition with other activities of the university. And with addition research, they get higher salaries and often lower teaching loads, which drives down productivity, drives up costs in what one might imagine should be the major product of a university or college - education.


I would like to say this is the best blog that I have ever come across. Very informative. Please write more so we can get more details.

Krista R

The increasing costs of higher education is a growing concern for quite a few people. The solution shop model of higher education has become such a part of daily functioning in a university, that I often don't think of it as part of a larger issue. I was somewhat alarmed when you stated that "The model itself will have to be changed in major ways in order to reduce costs appreciably." That seems to be a quite a large task!

In your final paragraph, you noted that "Studies in other domains strongly suggest that we can achieve better outcomes with less - with leadership." I would love to hear more about this in a future post.

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