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 Best colleges in Rajasthan

It was nice to stumble on your blog and I have actually enjoyed following your experiences about educational sector. Thank you for what you do and for inspiring others like me to do the same.

Wallace Boston


Our online institution, American Public University System, has required all graduating seniors since 2005/2006 to take the proficiency profile. It's been an interesting measurement tool over time. We also publish the results of the averages of those scores. In programs where there is also an ETS Field Test (like Criminal Justice and Business), we require those to be administered as well.

Lloyd comments: Thanks, Wally, for bringing me up to date on APUS use of tests such as these. The published results mentioned above can be found at http://bit.ly/yMINas. The students at APUS get their test scores to use as they will, and APUS uses the results to improve courses and for bench marking against other schools. In the most recent data that APUS sent me (2011), the mean score for APUS graduates was above the national mean on all sections of the proficiency profile - a very impressive performance.

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