How Learning Works - Changing Higher Education

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woodstock story

One of the reasons why the irresponsibility in studying mostly happens in college is students getting tired of studying for almost 10 years from elementary and now college.

Thanks for sharing a good book in a hope of bringing back student's heart for studying. This is worth publishing to other resources so as to be disseminated and to immediately fix a problem in education.

tampa seo

Excellent content to reveal the learner-centered techniques that are out there.

Jeanette Cullum

Finding a book that can assist those of us in the changing face of higher education to meet the needs of our students is refreshing. I plan to share with my team and leadership.

Best engineering college in India

Mostly student have a lack of knowledge for changing higher education. I think your have share awesome idea about how learning works.

Geelong Schools

I must say that the book,How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching is really a good one and the content is great..One should read it..

shannah hartman

We are entering into a new world of learning and as we all know that for every good one creates something bad is also created. We can attend to teach our young learners but we can not stop them from buying work or having others complete their assignments which is a way around plagarisum and sites such as turn it in. We need to focus on the value of education and installing the internal desire to learn in our students. We need to think outside of the box such as nuroeducation to focus on techniques to help our students learn by understand the brain functions.

shannah hartman

Hello everyone,

This seems to be a very good cite and I am excited that I have found a group of knowldgeable people to share my experiences with.

Kelly K.

Like Mick, I am also working on a doctoral degree in higher education and adult learning and found the principles mentioned in this article similar to those of Malcom Knowles. Incorporating learner experience, transference of knowledge, relevance, and understanding "why" are all important tenants of Knowles' principles.

This androgogical approach makes sense, really. When helping adults to learn, an effective educator will take into account where the students have been, where they are, and where they want to be...and why. He or she will use that information to work in tandem with the student to achieve goals, likely learning with the student in the process.

Great article to shed light on the learner-centered approaches that are out there.

Mick Raike


Thank you for another insightful article. I am currently working on my doctorate in higher education and adult learning and have been intensely studying the points that the book "How Learning Works..." emphasizes. One of the key points of adult education (which incidentally is listed first in your posting) is paying tribute to the learner's past experience and knowledge of the subject. Malcolm Knowles believed that instructors should be learning right along with their students. I know that it can be a little intimidating for younger undergrad students to take the reigns of their own learning, but there has to come a point when the hand holding must stop and the path to lifelong learning begins.

Another great book that deals with the instructor’s role in the learning process is Ken Bain's 2004 book "What the Best College Teachers Do". I have referred to it several times during my research and highly recommend it.


Lloyd comments: Thanks, Mick, for the reading suggestion.

Highton Schools

Lack of students interest in studies results to poor academics result. I find your principles amazing and will definitely gonna help students in achieving success.

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