Is Semester Online the beginning of the revolution? - Changing Higher Education

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M. Dinorah Fix-Padilla

It is fantastic to see that top universities have taken into consideration testing online education. Currently, I am an online student, personally I had a positive experience with online studies. Online education has provided the flexibility that I need to manage my personal life and my educational goals.

Jackie Trident

It's very exciting to see that students will be able to take competitive courses from top universities from the comfort of their own homes. Some may have families or work obligations which may make it difficult to commute to campus or attend in person. Technology is truly changing education.

Williams Truex

Hm I am really a bit sceptical where this is all heading. I personally believe that the new media should also give the opportunity for non-university institutions to deliver education. This implies that there may be general tests available such that students can test their knowledge. Over time, there will be much more diversity in the education market which I consider generally favorable. The Semester Online consortium we will have probably a huge impact... and power. I sincerely hope that they use it wisely.


I wrote a long letter to you.
I repeat. What you do is great .
That was my vision 10 years ago. Nobody accepted .
I wish we can look up Linked-in now .

But you have to expand it to 20-30 schools.
Please choose the same level schools for the consortium.
1.- Try to get fee as small as possible .
If you reach theoretically 20 colleges fee should be 1/20 of the original tuition .
My motto is $ 10-50 per course .
2.- There should be several consortium like you but each consortium should have a different level of ( let us say ) SAT, level of difficulty of courses must be almost same .

3.- I can market such full 100 % online degree programs in Turkey too.
I am an education volunteer .
Turkey has 170 universities, 4 million students, 1 million of that in 2 years colleges .
There are also 1 million students who could n ot enter into university due to lack of space .
They will be our main customers too .

I would apply to Turkish Higher Education Council in order to accredit degrees you would provide. Even if they do not still we can market, since people are hungry for higher education .
I am at your service.

Alexa Scordato

Hi Lloyd,

Thanks so much for covering Semester Online! I work at 2U and we couldn't be more excited about launching this endeavor. Many institutions have experimented in distance learning over the years, but technology today makes it possible for us to deliver an online learning experience that is truly comparable to brick and mortar offerings.

There's never been a more exciting time to be in the higher education space.

Thanks again and stay tuned... much more to come in 2013!

Dir. of Social Media
@2Uinc | @semesteronline

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