An update on StraighterLine - a "disruptor in the making"? - Changing Higher Education

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Lincoln Calcavecchi

Why do “dominant” institutions fear these upstart disruptors, or why did they initially? What is the motivation of the dominant institutions: educating the masses, or the chosen few who have proven themselves and can then return as alumni and future donors? Why is it that the products of these disruptors are determined to be so inferior? Granted, yes, some are decidedly so, but we all know that not all college professors are worth the weight of their egos in the classrooms. Many college professors and instructors in the dominant institutions are barely worth the weight of their wet clothes; so to assume all dominant institutions’ products are of always high quality is a bias we cannot afford to harbor. If we want to allow the disruptors to, as you say, take over the least desirable customers, thereby having a seat at the table and improving their quality, as reported about Straightline and WGU, we must validate the contribution they are making to educating our workforce. Therein is another problem as well. “Least desirable customers”? Because a person experienced a poor quality K-12 education, doesn’t their motivation count for something? Are we saying we don’t have time, patience, or compassion to give to these undesirables? Are we promulgating an educational caste system? This article has many implicit issues worth considering, more than just the explicit review of Straightline. Thanks for posting.
Lloyd comments: Thanks for the very thoughtful (and on-target) comments. I will keep them in mind for further posts.

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