California still not addressing the workforce gap - plus ca change - Changing Higher Education

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Governor Brown solved the problem in the past . ONLINE .

Just ask every college to create 50 % of their courses online by their best professors same as oncampus courses.
The cost of developing online courses is almost nill now .
Take openedx software from MIT and Harvard It is all free.
Convert your f2f courses online in 2 days by your IT men . That easy .Let all students take 50 % of their courses online .

Result :
1.- Cost of tuition is 50 % lower.
2.- Capacity of colleges doubled .

Look up MIT Supply Chain Master degree Courses offerred online now .
Cost is halved $ 33.000 instead of $ 66.000
Capacity is doubled .
This just a beginning .

Lloyd comments: you are exactly correct on the solution. The one error is that Governor Brown was not able to solve this earlier - his efforts were rejected by faculty "defending the students' interests". In other words, "don't try to change our comfortable existence by forcing change."

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