The high cost of funded research in colleges and universities - Changing Higher Education

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Ed Hackett

Understood, Lloyd, and agreed: because so much has been added atop research responsibilities, I am thinking things are even worse than depicted in your article. Best wishes, Ed

Ed Hackett

Provocative and sensible argument...have you considered splicing in the argument about increasing amounts of research time required for administrative responsibilities and the increasing numbers of proposals submitted (requiring preparation, review, and often panel review) caused by lowered success rates (and higher research and research funding expectations)? These things then add to the cost (in faculty time) of doing research, and the whole the weighs on the university budget, as you describe. Then take the whole and go visit Dan Sarewitz's recent
article in The New Atlantis titled "Saving Science." I guess I am less optimistic than Dan: my thinking along these lines led to a talk titled "Is Science Possible?"

Best wishes,

Lloyd responds: thanks, Ed, for the good input. No doubt researchers are forced to devote evermore time to preparing proposals, etc..However, the arguments in this post are based on how much of a faculty member's time is spent on research - not how effectively that time is spent. Your good point that much of the research time is spent on non-productive efforts just makes it even more inappropriate that significant amounts of "educational" funding in used to subsidize those efforts. Thanks for pointing me to Sarewitz's very interesting article. He takes Stokes' Pasteur's Quadrant a needed extra step.

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